Stars Nomination Forms

The nomination forms for all of the 2025 Stars of the Future categories can be downloaded below. Form 'Stars Awards Grading Criteria Notes 2025' should be downloaded in conjunction with the Stars nomination form (does not apply to the Apprentice Mentor category).

There is a dedicated form for the Apprentice Mentor category which can also be downloaded below.

For the Young Plant Operative of the Year award, please tick the relevant box and ensuring that the nominee's age (as of 21 March 2025) is provided in the relevant section. The CPA Stars team will sort the nomination for the correct category, based on age, on receipt of the application.

All nominees are strongly encouraged to submit a video of themselves produced either by them or their employer. More details are provided in part 3 of the nomination form. (please note that for editing purposes,  do not submit a video that has sub-titles)

Nominations for the 2025 awards close on 21 March 2025.

Please note that we cannot accept nominations for categories where the individual has previously been nominated. e.g. they can't be nominated for the same category again. For clarity purposes, the exception being those originally nominated for plant mechanic and are now being nominated for plant technician.