ILLAPG Publications

About the ILLAPG
The Industry Lifting Lead AP Group (ILLAPG) was formed a number of years ago to bring together like minded people within the construction sector in order to encourage improved collaboration and co-ordination, aiding communication between working groups, associations, governing bodies, contractors, owners and suppliers.
The principle aim of the ILLAPG is to support industry on improvements and assistance to make lifting operations safer and more efficient through areas such as technical and training standards
The Group since its conception has grown rapidly, gathering more and more industry interests with a wider membership that includes those from contractors, manufacturers (crane & lifting accessories), crane companies, trainers, card schemes as well as AP’s from all levels of the industry.
CPA is providing a secretariat-level role to the group which also allows a harmonisation with the long-standing publications and safety work undertaken by the CPA's crane and tower crane interest groups.
The Groups current focus in on a 'Hands off - Step Away - Safe Space' campaign for which presentation slides and posters can be downloaded FoC below.
For more information on the ILLAPG, contact Katie Kelleher at
More information on the ILLAPG and their work and publications can be found at: