Recent Publications and Updates
Recently introduced or updated publications are as follows (the newest release at the top of this list):
TCIG TIN 036 - Tower Crane Electrical Supplies. This TIN provides guidance to tower crane hirers (users) about the provision of tower crane electrical supplies, emergency escape lighting and lightning protection. It includes guidance on inspection and testing following installation and whilst in service. It has been updated to provide additional guidance on RCD types, fitment and use to clarify the various types that could be incompatible with the crane’s electrical system.
SAVE GPG1 - Safe Use of Suction and Vacuum Excavators. The Suction and Vacuum Excavator Special Interest Group (SAVE) have recently updated their Good Practice Guide for the Safe Use of Suction and Vacuum Excavators. The publication was originally developed and published in 2018 and a revision was undertaken during 2024, with revisions on the use and control of supporting personnel, updates to road transport requirements, cleaning of hoppers and issues on the use of ground-engaging tools. However it remains testament to the original publication in that limited updates were needed for the content to remain current and valid.
TCIG TIN 030 – Tower Crane Erection Team Composition. This TIN outlines the roles, attributes and suggested qualification and carding requirements for the tower crane erection team. It has been amended by the Tower Crane Interest Group to update the listed qualifications and carding due to revisions around industry carding requirements, occupations and competencies.
CIG 2308 - Tendering, Management and Operations of Mobile Cranes: This guide provides good practice advice on the expected standard of duties and responsibilities for both operators and crane users and also covers legal requirements and directs readers to further relevant guidance material. This guide aims to raise standards and encourage sourcing from responsible mobile crane suppliers.
TCIG TIN 026 - Lifting of loads Using Fabric Bag has had a recent update.
TCIG TIN 049 - Lifting of Pre-slung Loads has had an update.
Note: TINs 026 and 049 are also applicable to mobile crane operations.
TCIG TIN 054 - Installation of Cameras on Tower Cranes: : The latest publication produced by the Tower Crane Interest Group is a new TIN on the installation of camera systems which are increasingly being fitted to tower crane hook blocks, trolleys or jibs to improve visibility to the operator of the load. The TIN provides guidance on the relevant regulations, mounting positions, maintenance and inspections, installation, in cab monitoring and factors on recording.