How to Join CPA

The CPA welcomes new Members, from the plant-hire sector and from suppliers to the sector.

If you would like to become a Member of the CPA you can complete the Online Application Form by clicking the link in the box below, or we can email a copy of the Application Form to you directly by calling 020 7796 3366 or emailing

We will process your application as quickly as possible. This process will commence once we have received all the necessary information from you and from your references. For further support and advice, please contact us using the telephone number or email address above.

CPA’s Membership benefits and services are detailed here - Benefits of Membership | Construction Plant-hire Association (

The subscription year commences on 1 July. New Members joining during a subscription year will pay pro rata, starting from 1 August each year. A subscription to CPA is based on the organisation’s total annual turnover (not just the plant-hire turnover).

There are eight levels of subscription, dependant on annual turnover, as listed in the Subscription Prices form below. There is a further corporate single fee subscription for non-plant hire organisations.

Apply for CPA Membership

Alternatively, you can request a hardcopy of the CPA Membership Application Form by emailing -

Complete the Online CPA Membership Application Form

CPA Rules 

By joining the CPA, your company agrees to abide by the rules of the Association. The CPA rules can be downloaded from the carousel.

CPA Member References

Membership is confined to businesses of good standing. In order to process your application the Association requires that each application should ideally be supported by two CPA members in your area.

Please provide details of two local CPA members whose Principal will support your Membership application. 

If you do not know two CPA members please provide us with two Trade References - You do not necessarily need to have a trading relationship with either but will be known to them.

CPA Membership Subscription Levels 2024-2025

To download the CPA membership subscription levels for 2024-2025, please click on the link below.

Download - Subscription Levels

CPA Rules

By joining the CPA, your company agrees to abide by the rules of the Association. To download th... read more

Download - CPA Rules

CPA's Data Protection Statement for New Members

By applying to become a CPA Member, you grant us permission to hold your data which will be held in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. The CPA only use the data for membership purposes and does not and will not disseminate any data externally unless legally required to do so. The CPA does not carry out the practice of disseminating any form of unsolicited marketing material. For further information about the CPA’s Data Protection policy, please go to