Webinar Programme 

In order to address some of the key issues for the construction plant sector, the CPA hosts various webinars for CPA members.

The webinars are mainly delivered via Zoom and tend to last for approximately one hour each. 

YouTube Footage

Footage of previous CPA webinars can be viewed on the YouTube links below.

  • 3rd CPA/HMRC Red Diesel Webinar - 17th March 2022 
  • 2nd CPA/HMRC Red Diesel Webinar – 1st February 2022
  • 1st CPA/HMRC Red Diesel Transition Webinar - 7th December 2021
  • Reducing Emissions and Working Towards a Zero Carbon Future
  • Hiring Plant into the EU in 2021. The slides presented by Holly Tonge of Brightfinch can also be downloaded 
  • Leaving the EU: What do Plant Companies Need to do to Prepare?
  • Plant-hire and the Road to Recovery

The recording of the 3rd CPA/HMRC is temporarily unavailable whilst CPA representatives seek further clarification from HMRC on a technical issue that was raised at the webinar - We will update members again in due course. 

This is the second CPA / HMRC Red Diesel Webinar - held on 1st February 2022. During this webinar, CPA and HMRC Representatives discuss and clarify some more of the key issues surrounding the transition from rebated 'Red Diesel' to White Diesel, which comes into force on the 1st April 2022.
1st CPA / HMRC Red Diesel Transition Webinar - 7th December 2021 April 1st 2022 marks the date when the rebate for red diesel in construction is removed, with those companies operating construction plant, expected to use white diesel from that date onwards. In this webinar, the CPA Team along with Michael Little and Steve Clarke of HMRC, provide an overview of the guidance and address some of the key questions surrounding the transition process from red diesel to white diesel.
CPA Webinar: Reducing Emissions and Working Towards a Zero Carbon Future
CPA Briefing: Hiring Plant into the EU in 2021

Hiring into EU in 2021 PowerPoint

(PDF, 1.15 MB)

PowerPoint slides presented by Holly Tonge of Brightfinch

CPA Webinar: Leaving the EU: What do Plant Companies Need to do to Prepare?